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Sep 28, 2011

Will Indonesia's big REDD rainforest deal work?

The map of Indonesia
Original Source: http://news.mongabay.com

Flying in a plane over the Indonesian half of the island of New Guinea, rainforest stretches like a sea of green, broken only by rugged mountain ranges and winding rivers. The broccoli-like canopy shows little sign of human influence. But as you near Jayapura, the provincial capital of Papua, the tree cover becomes patchier—a sign of logging—and red scars from mining appear before giving way to the monotonous dark green of oil palm plantations and finally grasslands and urban areas.

The scene is not unique to Indonesian New Guinea; it has been repeated across the world's largest archipelago for decades, partly a consequence of agricultural expansion by small farmers, but increasingly a product of extractive industries, especially the logging, plantation, and mining sectors. Papua, in fact, is Indonesia's last frontier and therefore represents two diverging options for the country's development path: continued deforestation and degradation of forests under a business-as-usual approach or a shift toward a fundamentally different and unproven model based on greater transparency and careful stewardship of its forest resources.

River in West Papua

Oil palm plantation and mill in North Sumatra

Deforestation in Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. Photos by Rhett A. Butler.
Embarking on the latter path would be a shock to anyone observing trends in Indonesia over the past twenty years. Intense logging, furious expansion of oil palm and pulp and paper plantations, and forest fires have led Indonesia to seize from Brazil the crown of the world's largest deforester. At the same time, Indonesia has become the world's largest producer of palm oil and the largest exporter of thermal coal, while seeing its paper pulp and industrial roundwood exports increase by 20-fold and 15-fold, respectively since 1990. But these milestones have come at a high environmental cost: Indonesia's forest cover has fallen to less than half of its land mass; fires regularly char vast areas in Sumatra and Kalimantan, triggering domestic health woes and hostilities with neighbors over air pollution; and the country is now generally acknowledged to be the world's third largest emitter of greenhouse gases. Indonesia has thus been on a high emissions pathway, one where large sectors of the economy offer very low economic return relative to emissions. But the toll could grow: Indonesia is forecast to be among the biggest losers from climate change, chiefly the result of rising sea levels and increased incidence of drought and fire.

Yet developments over the past two years suggest that business-as-usual may not be a foregone conclusion. At the September 2009 G20 summit in Pittsburgh, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono surprised the world when he announced Indonesia would voluntarily reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26 percent from a projected 2020 baseline. If the rich world chipped in, Indonesia would cut emissions—more than three-quarters of which result from deforestation—by 41%, a staggering commitment from an emerging economy. The 1.2 gigaton cut under the latter course would represent 8 percent of the total emissions reduction target set by the U.N.

Smallholder deforestation in West Papua. Photo by Rhett A. Butler
Norway, which has become the global champion for rainforest conservation, committing more than $1.5 billion since 2008, took the cue. In May it pledged $1 billion to Indonesia, contingent on the country's success in reducing emissions. The two countries quickly reached an agreement, which lays out a phased approach over the next several years and spells out the need for safeguards and transparency in developing and implanting a nation-wide strategy for reducing deforestation and degradation (REDD+). But the devil lies in the details: reducing deforestation in Indonesia will not be simple. It will require taking on strong entrenched interests; determining who controls what rights to land; tackling widespread corruption; redirecting misplaced incentives that drive forest conversion; building new institutions; establishing systems for monitoring, reporting; and verifying emissions reductions; filling information gaps about the extent and ownership of forests; and reorienting the philosophy underlying use of forests in the country. Fears remain that the bold, performance-linked goal will never be attained.

Oil palm plantation reëstablished on former rainforest land in North Sumatra
Deforestation is Indonesia is today primarily driven by forestry industries—high commodity prices have made it more profitable than ever to log forests and convert them into pulp and oil palm plantations. However there is more to deforestation than commodity production. Weak law enforcement, lack of planning and transparency around land use, poor forest management, confusion over land rights, and poverty underlie much of the deforestation that occurs in Indonesia, whether it is caused by impoverished farmers or big corporations. None of these issues is easily solved.

“That’s the problem with REDD,” said Marcus Colchester, who runs the Forest Peoples’ Program, an indigenous rights’ group. “Supporters call it ‘low-hanging fruit’. We could save a lot of carbon by just stopping deforestation, but what that really means confronting these vested interests that do very well by deforestation. So REDD ends up being very high, floating fruit. Governments are very reluctant to take the underlying policy reforms to actually reduce deforestation.”

Many concerns about REDD in Indonesia are rooted in the history of graft in the forestry sector. Under Suharto, who ruled the country with an iron fist from 1967-1998, the forest sector was used as a mechanism for distributing wealth and power to political cronies rather than maximizing benefits for the people of Indonesia.

"It's a source of unlimited corruption," Chandra M. Hamzah, deputy chairman at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) established by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, told Reuters during an interview earlier this year.

Lowland rainforest in West Papua
Lowland rainforest in West Papua

Tropical forest in Sumatra
Tropical forest in Sumatra. Photos by Rhett A. Butler.
The degree of corruption is the sector is exemplified by the country’s reforestation fund, which lost $5.2 billion between 1993-1997 through mismanagement and fraud, according to an audit by Ernst and Young. Chris Barr, formerly a policy analyst at CIFOR and now an independent consultant, says the ministry’s record of handling large sums of money should set off alarm bells for countries contributing REDD funds to Indonesia. Barr says the problems have continued well beyond the Suharto era with several hundred million dollars from the Reforestation Fund being transferred to a highly opaque financial intermediary administered by the Ministry of Forestry.

“The Ministry has budgeted these funds to finance several million hectares of new plantation development, but there has been little public accounting for how the money has actually been used. In several provinces where (the audit board) BPK has carried out audits, provincial and district authorities have routinely underspent allocations from the Reforestation Fund, often by 50% or more. These factors suggest that many of the agencies likely to manage REDD+ funds are already struggling to administer the existing flow of fiscal resources from the Reforestation Fund. REDD+ can be expected to place considerable new stresses on these institutions.”

Corruption has even touched the team that negotiated the REDD deal with Norway. In October, Wandojo Siswanto, a top negotiator at last year's climate talks in Copenhagen, was arrested and charged with taking bribes. Siswanto had been named in two earlier corruption probes, including a 2008 incident where he admitted to accepting a $4,600 kickback from a lawmaker.

But not everyone agrees that corruption will be a hang-up for REDD in Indonesia. Agus Purnomo, a member of the Indonesian president’s Special Staff on Climate Change, is optimistic that the performance-based nature of the agreement with Norway, and REDD in general, is enough to stem concerns about corruption and distribution of carbon money.

Clearing of peatland in Central Kalimantan
Clearing of peatland in Central Kalimantan

Road in West Papua
Road in West Papua. Photos by Rhett A. Butler.
"There is no real need to make promises on the use of funds because we will be paid from the verified emissions reductions," he said.

"Whether or not it reaches the communities or companies that take actions to reduce emission is not an issue because such reductions can only happened by working together at every levels. Without the involvements of stakeholders, such as local communities, companies, local and national government agencies, there will not be a significant reduction of emissions from forests and peatlands. Since we are serious with our commitment… we have to ensure that those who are working to reduce deforestation and peatland degradation will be properly compensated."

Nevertheless corruption is only one of the concerns. Some who have reviewed the National Climate Change Council’s draft documents of low carbon development strategies for provinces warn that the REDD money may be used to subsidize business-as-usual approaches, including a huge expansion of processing capacity for palm oil and pulp and paper, which could increase pressure on remaining forest areas.

“The East Kalimantan low-carbon growth strategy is a document full of contradictions,” said Barr, who notes the draft plan aims to reduce carbon emissions while also expanding capacity of the province's pulp industry by four-fold.

“In targeting 2.6 million metric tons/year of pulp capacity, the strategy promotes the development of a multi-billion industry that will consume 13 million metric tons of wood annually -- or 50 percent more than the entire legal harvest from Indonesia's HPH timber concession system! “

Oil palm plantation in Riau Province, Sumatra
Oil palm plantation in Riau Province, Sumatra

Oil palm plantation in North Sumatra
Oil palm plantation in Sumatra. Photos by Rhett A. Butler.
Barr says the strategy indicates it will capitalize on 600,000 hectares of lands cleared for timber plantations that are currently sitting idle, but fails to acknowledge that many of these areas are owned by companies that previously received lucrative financial subsidies from the government's Reforestation Fund to develop industrial plantations.

“In numerous cases, they simply cleared the standing timber, pocketed the subsidies, and never replanted. The notion that the government should now extend new financial 'incentives' to encourage the development of a pulp industry that depends on these companies for a sustainable wood supply -- as part of its low-carbon growth strategy -- simply defies logic. In short, the East Kalimantan proposal is seeking to have 'business-as-usual' bankrolled in the name of carbon emission reductions.”

As Barr notes, the projections are based on the assumption that large areas of "degraded land" can be brought into production across Indonesia. But so far, degraded lands have been an enigma. They are either too expensive to developed (logging often subsidizes plantation projects) or plagued by land rights issues, making them unattractive to industry. Land tenure problems stem from officials in Jakarta not actually knowing what land is being used. In many cases, “wasteland” isn’t abandoned, but used by communities for small-scale activities including subsistence agriculture and agroforestry. Some of this use is a product of Suharto’s transmigration program of the 1970s and 1980s, when the government sought to alleviate population pressure in central islands by subsidizing resettlement in remote parts of the archipelago. The policy also helped solidify political control over restive regions, like Indonesian New Guinea, Maluku, and parts of Sulawesi and Sumatra, and dole out concessions to Suharto's business allies. The legacy of this system means the forestry department controls a lot of land on paper, but much of which isn't forested and is claimed by communities. World Bank studies show that more than 60% of all land holdings in Indonesia are help under informal or customary tenures.

A few examples of Indonesia's incredible biodiversity:
Katydid nymph in West Papua
Katydid nymph in West Papua

Tarsiers in North Sulawesi
Tarsiers in North Sulawesi

Weevil in West Papua
Weevil in West Papua. Photos by Rhett A. Butler.
This has complicated life for both companies and communities, and promises to be an obstacle for effective REDD implementation. Today a company may win the right to develop an ostensibly abandoned concession only the find that the area is occupied.

Erik Meijaard, an ecologist formerly with The Nature Conservancy but now independent, has seen these problems first-hand.

“If we say that plantations should be developed on ‘degraded’ lands it is important to realize that most of those lands will have been claimed by local farmers,” he said. “Using those lands for plantations requires compensation for lost revenues to these farmers, and long negotiations with many stakeholders. This is one of the reasons why companies prefer to use forest rather than deforested lands.”

Getting a handle on degraded lands is thus one of the top priorities in first phase of the Norway deal. A degraded lands database will track where degraded lands exist and who owns, or at least uses, them.

“The database of degraded lands will allow expansion of agriculture and timber plantations as well as provide legal certainty for the businessman in expanding their business while avoiding deforestation,” explained Purnomo, climate change staff for the president.

The information gap extends to forestry concessions. The World Resources Institute, a policy group, is working with a local NGO, Sekala, to develop maps that reflect concession holdings, land use by communities, and degraded lands. Land swaps, whereby existing concession lands are shifted to grasslands in exchange for subsidies from carbon funds and is one course of action under the Norway agreement, will require good land use data.

Transparency also needs to extend to financial flows to reduce the risk of a repeat of the reforestation fund experience. Therefore groups like the World Resources Institute and Forest Trends are working with local partners on financial tracking mechanisms for REDD money.

Dani man
Dani man in Papua, on the island of New Guinea.

Rainforest in the Arfak Mountains of West Papua on the island of New Guinea
Rainforest in the Arfak Mountains of West Papua.

Logging in West Papua
Logging in West Papua.

Giant Dipterocarp tree in Gunung Leuser, North Sumatra
Giant Dipterocarp tree in Gunung Leuser, North Sumatra. Photos by Rhett A. Butler.
Better financial tracking however won’t address some more complex financial issues. While it’s easy to dismiss Indonesia as a corrupt country, in reality it is like other democracies where elected leaders are under pressure to raise money. The difference is Indonesia's middle class is much smaller, therefore the people wealthy enough to fund candidates are often associated with extractive industries. This is important because the bupati, or district head, holds a lot of power when it comes to decisions on what land will be used for agriculture and plantations.

Chip Fay, a former Senior Policy Analyst for the World Agroforestry Centre and currently a fellow at the Samdhana Institute, a think tank, says that finding ways for local government to benefit from REDD is critical to its success.

“What the international community presents is a bit smoke-and-mirrors whereas a plantation company can put something real on the table—something that is easy to understand and exists today,” he said.

Thus the transition to a low carbon economy will need to look beyond the forestry sector. It needs to stimulate livelihoods of all kinds.

“We will use such additional revenue to not only support activities in forest areas but also to build more schools, better hospitals, basic infrastructure, and to address other drivers of deforestation,” said Purnomo.

Of course jobs in the forestry sector will remain important and improved forest management is critical. Illegal logging remains rampant in Indonesia, costing the treasury more than $1 billion a year in lost revenue. Recent restrictions on imports of illegally logger timber by Europe and the United States, might help on this front by sending a demand-side signal to producers in Indonesia. Yet even legal concessions remain problematic. Currently there are few incentives for long-term sustainable management of forests and little oversight. The Ministry of Forests says that less than half the country's 58M ha of production forest is classified in good condition.

Better management of forest concessions represents a big opportunity for greenhouse gas reductions in Indonesia chiefly because 46 percent of Indonesia’s forest area is zoned as production forest for logging (another 17 percent is set aside for plantations, of which 10.7 million hectares is still forested). McKinsey & Company, a consultancy that has developed a greenhouse gas abatement curve for Indonesia, estimates that sustainable forest management could reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by 200 million metric tons per year at a cost of $2 per ton, well below the cost of fire prevention, reforestation, and land swaps where concession holders are given subsidies to establish plantations on non-forest land instead of forest land.

However the most important ingredient to the success of REDD in Indonesia is shifting the way businesses look at forests.

“One of the biggest barriers in the country is the current prevailing paradigm on the forest whereby there is an over emphasis on valuing the forest solely as a commercial resource. Our challenge is to disseminate a new value for forests. Forests are largely valued for timber or cooking oil that can be produced,” Dr. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, head of Indonesia REDD+ task force, told mongabay.com. “The shift in paradigm to underscore that forests are worth more standing, along with strong law enforcement and a high transparency process as a tool to turn the tide of the history of corruption, are clear ways to save the forests.”

Erik Meijaard adds that business has a bigger role to play than conservationists in saving Indonesia’s forests.

“I don’t whether business will be brought around, but it is the best and probably only realistic hope,” he said, noting that the researchers and the government have both highlighted “severe” problems in managing protected areas. “No other sector is in a position to reduce deforestation through active management and protection of forest assets, and management is the crucial factor. Government has rarely shown an ability or commitment to managing forest assets, either protected or unprotected.”

As such it is critical that the moratorium on new concessions on peatlands and in natural forest areas have support from at least parts of the corporate sector.

"I think it is really good to have a break," Aida Greenbury, sustainability manager for Asia Pulp & Paper, a firm much maligned by environmentalists for its logging practices, told Voice of America. "We have been under enormous criticism from all over the world. So let us just stop everything, tell us where did we do wrong and let us analyze it, see where we can improve according to national regulations and then come up with a new set of regulations or system."

Oil palm estate in Sumatra
Oil palm estate in Sumatra.

Rainforest in North Sulawesi
Rainforest in North Sulawesi. Photos by Rhett A. Butler.
“A two year moratorium is not uncommon in other industries and has a proven track record of allowing those industries to review and re-assess their sustainability issues, while allowing a period for dialogue between governments, NGOs and other third parties,” added Ian Lifshitz, Sustainability & Public Outreach Manager, at APP for the Americas.

The money from Norway has helped advance this thinking. It has shown that the concept of compensated forest protection is indeed real and is now attracting some of Indonesia’s best thinkers to the issue of deforestation, which had been a low priority on the national agenda for too long.

But a billion dollars will only go so far. Norwegian Minister of Environment and International Development Erik Solheim says other rich countries need to support Indonesia’s international commitment to fighting climate change.

“Indonesia has unilaterally committed to achieve great things and the response of the international community to this cannot be business as usual. It must involve support at a scale which matches the changes which Indonesia is willing to implement. The international community must therefore support the new Indonesian approach to REDD+.”

The future of forests in Indonesia depends on it.

Aug 29, 2011

Bird of paradise

The birds-of-paradise are members of the family Paradisaeidae of the order Passeriformes. The majority of species in this family are found on the island of New Guinea and its satellites, with a few species occurring in the Moluccas and eastern Australia. The family has forty species in 13 genera. The members of this family are perhaps best known for the plumage of the males of most species, in particular highly elongated and elaborate feathers extending from the beak, wings or head. For the most part they are confined to dense rainforest habitat. The diet of all species is dominated by fruit and to a lesser extent arthropods. The birds-of-paradise have a variety of breeding systems, ranging from monogamy to lek-based polygamy.
The family is of cultural importance to the inhabitants of New Guinea. The trade in skins and feathers of the birds-of-paradise has been going on for two thousand years; and, the birds have been of considerable interest to Western collectors, ornithologists and writers as well. A number of species are threatened by hunting and habitat loss.

Birds of paradise are generally crow-like in general body-form, and, indeed, are the brother group to the corvids (crows and jays). Birds-of-paradise range in size from the King Bird-of-paradise at 50 g (1.8 oz) and 15 cm (5.9 in) to the Curl-crested Manu code at 44 cm (17.3 in) and 430 g (15.2 oz). The male Black Sicklebill, with its long tail, is the longest species at 110 cm (43.3 in). In most of the males are larger and longer than the female, the differences ranging from slight to extreme. The wings are rounded and in some species structurally modified on the males in order to make sound. There is considerable variation in the family with regard to bill shape. Bills may be long and decurved, as in the sicklebills and riflebirds, or small and slim like the Astrapias. As with body size on average bill size varies with sex, although species where the females have larger bills than the male are more common, particularly in the insect eating species. For reasons of camouflage plumage of the females typically blends well with their habitat, unlike the bright attractive colors found on the males.
Plumage variation between the sexes is closely related to breeding system. The manucodes and Paradise-crow, which are socially monogamous, are sexually monomorphic. So are the two species of Paradigalla, which are polygamous. All these species have generally black plumage with varying amounts of green and blue iridescence.

Habitat and distribution
The centre of bird-of-paradise diversity is the large island of New Guinea; all but two genera are found in New Guinea. The two that are not are the monotypic genera Lycocorax and Semiptera, both of which are endemic to the Moluccas, to the west of New Guinea. Of the riflebirds in the genus Ptiloris, two are endemic to the coastal forests of eastern Australia, one occurs in both Australia and New Guinea, and one is only found in New Guinea. The only other genus to have a species outside New Guinea is Manucodia, one representative of which is found in the extreme north of Queensland. The remaining species are restricted to New Guinea and some of the surrounding islands. Many species have highly restricted ranges, particularly a number of species with restricted habitat types such as mid-montane forest (like the Black Sicklebill) or island endemics (like the Wilson's Bird-of-paradise).

The majority of birds-of-paradise live in tropical forests, including rainforest, swamps and moss forest, nearly all of them solitary tree dwellers. Several species have been recorded in coastal mangroves. The southernmost species, the Paradise Riflebird of Australia, lives in sub-tropical and temperate wet forests. As a group the manucodes are the most plastic in their habitat requirements, with in particular the Glossy-mantled Manucode inhabiting both forest and open savanna woodland. Mid-montane habitats are the most commonly occupied habitat, with thirty of the forty species occurring in the 1000–2000 m altitudinal band.

Diet and feeding
The diet of the birds-of-paradise is dominated by fruit and arthropods. The ratio of the two food types varies by species, with fruit predominating in some species, and arthropods dominating the diet in others. The ratio of the two will affect other aspects of the behaviour of the species, for example frugivorous species tend to feed in the forest canopy, whereas insectivores may feed lower down. Frugivores are more social than the insectivores, which are more solitary and territorial.

Most species have elaborate mating rituals, with the Paradisaea species using a lek-type mating system. Others, such as the Cicinnurus and Parotia species, have highly ritualised mating dances. Males are polygamous in the sexually dimorphic species, but monogamous in at least some of the monomorphic species. Hybridisation is frequent in these birds, suggesting the polygamous species of bird of paradise are very closely related despite being in different genera. Many hybrids have been described as new species, and doubt remains regarding whether some forms, such as Rothschild's Lobe-billed Bird of Paradise, are valid. Despite the presence of hybrids, some ornithologists hypothesise that at least some putative hybrids are valid species that may be extinct.
Birds-of-paradise build their nests from soft materials, such as leaves, ferns, and vine tendrils, typically placed in a tree fork. Clutch size is somewhat uncertain. In the large species, it is almost always just one egg. Smaller species may produce clutches of 2–3. Eggs hatch after 16–22 days, and the young leave the nest at between 16 and 30 days of age.

Taxonomy and systematics
For many years the birds-of-paradise were treated as being closely related to the bowerbirds. Today while both are treated as being part of the Australasian lineage Corvida, the two are now only thought to be distantly related. The closest evolutionary relatives of the birds-of-paradise are the crow and jay family Corvidae, the monarch flycatchers Monarchidae and the Australian mudnesters Struthideidae.
A 2009 study examining the mitochondrial DNA of all species to examine the relationships within the family and to its nearest relatives estimated that the family emerged 24 million years ago, older than previous estimates. The study identified five clades within the family, and placed the split between the first clade, which contains the monogamous manucodes and Paradise-crow, and all the other birds-of-paradise, to be 10 million years ago. The second clade includes the parotias and the King of Saxony Bird-of-paradise. The third clade provisionally contains a number of genera, Seleucidis, the Drepanornis sicklebills, Semioptera, Ptiloris and Lophorina, but support values for some of these is inclusions is low. The fourth clade includes the Epimachus sicklebills, Paradigalla and the astrapias. The final clade includes the Cicinnurus and the Paradisaea birds-of-paradise.
The exact limits of the family have been the subject of revision as well. The three species of satinbird (the genera Cnemophilus and Loboparadisea) were treated as a subfamily of the birds-of-paradise, Cnemophilinae. In spite of differences in the mouth, foot morphology and nesting habits they remained in the family until a 2000 study moved them to a separate family closer to the berrypeckers and longbills (Melanocharitidae). The same study found that the Macgregor's Bird-of-paradise was actually a member of the large Australasian honeyeater family. In addition to these three species, a number of systematically enigmatic species and genera have been considered potential members of this family. The two species in the genus Melampitta, also from New Guinea, have been linked with the birds-of-paradise, but their relationships remain uncertain, more recently being linked with the Australian mudnesters. The Silktail of Fiji has been linked with the birds-of-paradise many times since its discovery, but never formerly assigned to the family. Recent molecular evidence now places the species with the fantails.

Apr 21, 2011

Hiking to the Cave

By : Hirosi APIU-Thailand Team

First time Hirosi Clab hiking to the Cave 

This time was lead by Dr.Chu, sir Breafly, and instructor Dinny. Our destination in this time was a cave in western of Muak Lek town, behind Hirosi hill. Distance from our campus/dorm to the cave is about 6 km, by car probably about 45 minutes. This is the first time for me to hiking to this cave, so at that time I was just keep quiet and followed the leaders.  We as members of CNL Hirosi APIU-Thailand very proud that at that day we had two observers which joined with us to hiking together. They are a couple from US. 
New members and two observers

In addition, we also had new members where they are students from APIU which they also just joined with us on Hirosi Club. They are from different country like Cambodia, China and Malaysia. At that day we were 23 people joined with us to hiking. We went hiking on Saturday after finished worship at 12.30 p.m. 

Dr. Chu and 2 friends
About 30 minutes we had a lunch, after that went to dorm to change clothes, prepare our needs and gathered back in front of cafeteria on 2.00. p.m. Dr. Chu prayed for us, after that 20 people fit in the car and 3 people use motor bike. We arrived there the clock already 2.50 p.m., so we quickly parked the car and motor bike in parking zone. Some of us walk ahead until in front of the group of bamboo where the place to take rest to waited Dr. Chu's group which they went to ask for flashlight from the society who live around there. They borrowed 3 flashlights to use inside the cave because it was very dark inside the cave.
Started climb the hill to the cave

We climb the hill around 1 km and we reach the gate of the cave. Before we got in the cave, first we share the candle to everybody who didn't have the flashlight. After that, Dr.Chu and Instructor Dinny leads us to go inside the cave. Waoo,,, very surprise when we entered in the cave. On first place looked like a big living room because it was too spacious. In the some of the corner which very slick wall, I saw the place looked like closets which very thin and very long until the roof of the cave in each corner of the wall. I looked the whole wall of the cave it was very nice because it was look like designed by a professional architect. Lot things that very interesting on whole the wall so everybody wanted to take picture in every place.
We stepped from that room to another room. Before we enter the back room, in the middle between two rooms there was stood some big pole through the ceiling of the cave so we take some picture there. After we passed that place, we entered to the back room where this room is very big and spacious too like the first room. But this room looked like a special room because this room has a specificity  like has two big stone has been sat in the middle of the room and in addition, there is one small room in the middle of the cave which is very deep and very narrow for entrance to the inside.
First room inside the cave

While Dr. Chu and other friends were waiting us in the big room of the cave, Sir Brefly and Pr.Michael leads us to go inside to the those narrow room. 
Bungsu Lidya was climbing up the narrow cave
At that time, while we were climbing down to the narrow way inside the cave about 20 meters, suddenly Sir Brefly got an accident. Because the road is very narrow, so we had to bow when we enter the inside that place. That's why when Sir Brefly raised his head just little bit but he bumped to the stone that is very sharp. This accident made his head covered by the blood because he bumped the stone too hard so all of us stop to climb down the cave and we came back to the big room where Dr. Chu's group while waiting us.

Second room
We came out of the cave in back gate and we gathered in front of the gate, after that we climbed down the hill to the parking zone where the place we parked the car and motor bikes. When we arrived back to the parking zone, the society who live there they prepared cold water for us to drink. After we took a rest, we invite the people around there to take some picture together with them. We left that place around 05:15 p.m. and arrived in Campus/dorm about 05:40p.m.

Group picture with the society who live around there

That afternoon, the weather was clear and bright, so I took some beauty nature pictures on the way coming back to dorm.

The following is the pictures of hiking to the cave on April 16, 2011. We hope you are enjoy see our hiking pictures especially to the members of CNL Hirosi APIU-Thailand. Thanks.

waiting beside the bamboo because the weather very hot

First room

Because of the sun hot Instructor David covered his head with the leaves 



Some of the group take a walk around campus

one group of insects that gather in a very thick leaf

Jumping in the Hirosi hill

This tree was covered by thorn 

The gate of cave

Bungsu Lidya, ko takut ka? buka mata lebar2 sampe ^__^


The wall of the cave

This place looks like have water and some people was laying on the water 

In the first room

David with his big flashlight


Bungsu Lidya was sitting under the wall of the cave 

Pace Instructor 

Group picture inside the cave
Bungsu Lidya pointed the great wall of cave and said "welcome to my house"  

This bowl full with the water 

Gabriel and Arifin

Princes and Ellen


Melanesian VS Indonesian

Novan, Bungsu, Arifin and Pace

Instructor Dinny and his brother

Princes looked the camera from the crevices of the cave wall

Cath with her candle stood beside the mast of the rock 

Instructor Dinny

He made his eyes like Satan from the cave,,,lol 

Pastor Michael with his candle

He looked tired so he sat in the big stone, looked at the camera and asked me to photo him ^__^

Ellendra and Arifin was sitting on the big stone inside the cave 


This a thorn which it has been comes out from the wall of cave

NoVaN's head almost hit the wall of cave because she was looking at camera 

Kunait is new member who just joined in CNL Hirosi Club

Pr. Michael was trying to comes out from very narrow cave



This is the gate to exit

hupz,,,,ada mace disini

Pastor Michael


He was trying to kill him-self  ^_^

Thorn (in Bahasa called "duri")


Mace Zambian and Pace Melanesian

Group picture with the society around there

Bungsu was trying to get the camera but she couldn't

Bungsu pu gaya sj hehehe,,,,

The Chinese soldier just comes out from the forest ^_^

I took all these beauty nature where we coming back from cave to dorm

on the way to coming back 

In front of gate

Complex university 

Group picture before hiking


Mace trada makanan ka jd makan ibu jari?? lol